Interaction with Javascript

Calling Javascript functions

If you have Javascript functions in your app, you can call them from seed code using wasm_bindgen. For a detailed example, see the official example.

For example, you might have a Javascript function defined elsewhere in your document, like this:

<script type="text/javascript">
    function addOne(val) {
        return val + 1

<section id="app"></section>
<script type="module">
    import init from '/static/pkg/mypage.js';

Define a function like this in your app, where addOne here is the same name as the javascript function you wish to call.

/// Allows calling the JS function getCookie, for CSRF tokens.
extern "C" {
    fn addOne(val: &i32) -> i32;

You can then call this anywhere in your app, eg:

h1![ format!("Two plus one equals {}", addOne(2)) ]

An example of how you might initialize a Seed app, populating a model from Javascript:

fn after_mount(_: Url, orders: &mut impl Orders<Msg>) -> AfterMount<Model> {

extern "C" {
    fn getJsData() -> Model;

Here, we assume getJsData() is defined before loading Seed, and that it passes data that can be deserialized into the model. Note that you can also pass arguments to JS functions like this.

For more info, reference this wasm-bindgen example.