Seed includes flexible routing, inspired by Reason-React: You can trigger state changes that update the address bar, and can be navigated to/from using forward and back buttons. This works for landing-page routing as well, provided your server is configured to support. See the source and todomvc example.
Let's say our site the following pages: a guide, which can have subpages, and a changelog, accessible by
, and
(where 3 is the page we want) respectively. We describe the page by a page
field in our model, which is an integer: 0 for guide, 1 for changelog, and an additional number for the guide page. An enum would be cleaner, but we don't wish to complicate this example.
To set up the initial routing, pass a routes
function describing how to handle routing, to App::build's routes
fn routes(url: Url) -> Option<Msg> {
if url.path.is_empty() {
return Some(Msg::ChangePage(0))
Some(match url.path[0].as_ref() {
"guide" => {
// Determine if we're at the main guide page, or a subpage
match url.path.get(1).as_ref() {
Some(page) => Some(Msg::ChangeGuidePage(page.parse::<usize>().unwrap())),
None => Some(Msg::ChangePage(0))
"changelog" => Msg::ChangePage(1),
_ => Some(Msg::ChangePage(0)),
pub fn render() {
App::builder(update, view)
The simplest way to trigger routing is to set up an element with an At::Href
attribute, who's value contains a leading /
, and corresponds to one of the routes defined in your routes
function. Clicking this will trigger routing, as defined in routes
a!["Guide", attrs!{At::Href => "/guide"} ]
a!["Guide page 1", attrs!{At::Href => "/guide/1"} ]
The tag containing Href
doesn't need to be an a!
tag; any will work:
button!["Changelog", attrs!{At::Href => "/changelog"} ]
Your routes
function outputs the message that handles the routing as an Option
, and accepts a Url struct describing the route, which routes has the following fields:
pub struct Url {
pub path: Vec<String>,
pub hash: Option<String>,
pub search: Option<String>,
pub title: Option<String>,
contains the path hierarchy from top to bottom. For example, the changelog
page above's path is vec![String::from("changelog")]
, representing /changelog/
, and guide page 3's is vec![String::from("guide"), 3.to_string()]
, representing /guide/3/
. It's likely all you'll need. The other three properties aren't as common; hash
describes text after a #
; search
describes text after a ?
, but before #
, and title is a descriptive title, unimplemented in current web browsers, but may see use in the future.
To trigger routing from events, instead of using At::Href
, include logic like this in the update
enum Msg {
fn set_guide_page(guide_page: Page, model: &mut Model) { = Page::Guide;
model.guide_page = guide_page;
fn update(msg: Msg, model: &mut Model, orders: &mut impl Orders<Msg>) {
match msg {
Msg::RoutePage(page) => {
Msg::RouteGuidePage(guide_page) => {
seed::push_route(vec!["guide", guide_page]);
// This is separate, because navigating the route triggers state updates, which would
// trigger an additional push state.
Msg::ChangePage(page) => = page,
Msg::ChangeGuidePage(guide_page) => {
model.guide_page = page; = Page::Guide;
Notice how the Route
messages above call seed::push_route, and the Change
messages are called in the routes
function, and are recursively called in the update function. push_route
accepts a single parameter: a Url
struct, which you can create with a struct literal, or seed::Url::new. Alternatively, you can pass a Vec<String>
/ Vec<&str>
, representing the path.
When a page is loaded or browser navigation occurs (eg back button), Seed uses the routes
func you provided to determine which message to call.
Notice how we keep ChangePage and RoutePage separate in our example. Do not call push_route
from one of these messages, or you'll end up with recursions/unwanted behavior: ChangePage
in our example performs the action associated with routing, while RoutePage
updates our route history, then recursively calls ChangePage
. If you were to attempt this in the same message, each browser navigation event would add a redundant route history entry, interfering with navigation. `
We can call routing messages from in-app navigation events, like this:
h2![ simple_ev(Ev::Click, Msg::RoutePage(0)), "Guide" ]
To make landing-page routing work, configure your server so that all relevant paths towards the root or html file, instead of returning an error. Running cargo make serve
from the quickstart repo and examples is set up for this. The page will initialize with the default state, then immediately update based on the message returned by the routes