Dark mode

App structure


Each app must contain a model struct, which contains the app’s state. It must contain owned data. References with a static lifetime work, but may be more difficult to work with. Example:

struct Model {
    count: i32,
    what_we_count: String

// Setup a default here, for initialization later.
impl Default for Model {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            count: 0,
            what_we_count: "click".into()

In this example, we initialize using Rust’s Default trait, in order to keep the initialization code by the model struct. When we call Model::default(), it initializes with these values. We could also initialize it using a constructor method, or a struct literal. Note the use of into() on our &str literal, to convert it into an owned String.

The model holds all data used by the app, and will be replaced with updated versions when the data changes. Use owned data in the model; eg String instead of &'static str. The model may be split into sub-structs to organize it – this is especially useful as the app grows:

struct FormData {
    name: String,
    age: i8,

struct Misc {
    value: i8,
    descrip: String,

struct Model {
    form_data: FormData,
    misc: Misc


The Message is an enum which categorizes each type of interaction with the app. It must implement Clone, and its fields may hold a value, or not. We’ve abbreviated it as Msg here for brevity. If you're not familiar with enums, think of one as a set of options; in other languages, you might use an integer, or string for this, but an enum is explicitly limited in which values it can take. Example:

enum Msg {
    ChangeDescrip(String),  //  We could use &'static str here too.

The update function you pass to App::builder() describes how the state should change, upon receiving each type of message. It's the only place where the model is changed. It accepts a message and a model as parameters, and returns an Update struct. Update contains ShouldRender and Effect enums. ShouldRender and its variants are imported in the prelude, and has variants of Render and Skip. Render triggers a rendering update and will be used in most cases. Skip updates the model without triggering a render and is useful in animations. Effect isn't exposed in the API: it's used internally to handle async events like fetch requests. See the Http requests section for more info.


fn update(msg: Msg, model: &mut Model, _orders: &mut impl Orders<Msg>) {
    match msg {
        Msg::Increment => model.count += 1,
        Msg::SetCount(count) => model.count = count,

While the signature of the update function is fixed, and will usually involve a match pattern with an arm for each message, there are many ways you can structure this function. Some may be easier to write, and others may be more efficient, or appeal to specific aesthetics. While the example above it straightforward, this becomes important with more complex updates.

More detailed example, from the todoMVC example:

fn update(msg: Msg, model: &mut Model, _orders: &mut impl Orders<Msg>) {
    match msg {
        Msg::ClearCompleted => {
            model.todos = model.todos.into_iter()
            .filter(|t| !t.completed)
        Msg::Destroy(posit) => {
        Msg::Toggle(posit) => model.todos[posit].completed = !model.todos[posit].completed,
        Msg::ToggleAll => {
            let completed = model.active_count() != 0;
            for todo in &mut model.todos {
                todo.completed = completed;

The third parameter of the update function implements the
Orders trait, imported in the prelude. It has four methods, each defining an update behavior:

  • render: Rerender the DOM, based on the new model. If orders is not used for a branch, it is used.
  • skip: Update the model without re-rendering
  • send_msg: Update again, with a new message, the only parameter to this method
  • perform_cmd: Perform an asynchronous task, like pulling data from a server. Its parameter is a Future, ie Future<Item = Ms, Error = Ms> + 'static.

For an example of how to use orders, see the orders example.

As with the model, only one update function is passed to the app, but it may be split into sub-functions to aid code organization.


See the view section for details.


To start your app, call the App::builder method, which creates an Builder struct struct. It has the the following optional methods:

  • before_mount - Specify a function which allow you to select the HTML element where the app will be mounted and how it'll be mounted.
  • after_mount - Used to initialize the model, and provide initial URL handling.
  • routes - used to specify routing function. See the Routing section for details.
  • window_events Registers a function which decides how window events will be handled.
  • sync - Registers a sync function. (Fill out)

And the following mandatory one:

  • build_and_start - run at the end, to initialize the app.

You can can chain the following optional methods:

  • .mount() to mount in an element other than the one with id app.
  • .routes(routes) to set a HashMap of landing-page routings, used to initialize your state based on url (See the Routing section)
  • .window_events(window_events), to set a function describing events on the Window. (See the Events section)

And must must complete with the method .build_and_start();.

The App::builder call must be wrapped in a function with the #[wasm_bindgen(start)] invocation.

Example using a custom mount point:

fn before_mount(_url: Url) -> BeforeMount {

pub fn render() {
    App::builder(update, view)

This will render your app to the element holding the id you passed; in the case of this example, "main". The only part of the web page Seed will interact with is that element, so you can use other HTML not part of Seed, or other JS code/frameworks in the same document.

Example of using an after_mount function:

fn after_mount(url: Url, orders: &mut impl Orders<Msg>) -> AfterMount<Model> {

pub fn render() {
    App::builder(update, view)

AfterMount has the following fields: - model: The initial model - url_handling: A Urlhandling enum, which has variants PassToRoutes: default with Init::new()), and None

AfterMount::default() covers the most common use-cases, where the model is initialized with its default::Default implementation. (This is also true if we don't use the .after_mount() method. You can pass a different model by using after_mount::new(model), where model here is your model.

Example, with route and window_events, described in the Routing and Misc sections of this guide respectively:

pub fn render() {
    App::builder(update, view)