
Note: This chapter only explains Seed fetch API, there are no Time Tracker changes.

How does Seed fetch work?

Seed fetch is basically a thin wrapper around Fetch API.

Example A

Let's look at the code first. This is a part of the server_integration example:

pub enum Msg {

pub fn update(msg: Msg, model: &mut Model, orders: &mut impl Orders<Msg>) {
    match msg {
        Msg::SendRequest => {
                let message = model.new_message.clone();
                async { Msg::Fetched(send_message(message).await) }

        Msg::Fetched(Ok(response_data)) => {

        Msg::Fetched(Err(fetch_error)) => {

async fn send_message(new_message: String) -> fetch::Result<shared::SendMessageResponseBody> {
        .json(&shared::SendMessageRequestBody { text: new_message })?

Individual parts with explanations:

pub enum Msg {

fetch::Result is just an alias for Result<T, FetchError>. T is a custom response data type (shared::SendMessageResponseBody in our case).

Msg::Fetched(Ok(response_data)) => {

Msg::Fetched(Err(fetch_error)) => {

fetch::Result is the enum with variants Ok(T) and Err(FetchError). We can handle each variant by a dedicated match arm to eliminate nesting and improve readability.

Msg::SendRequest => {
        let message = model.new_message.clone();
        async { Msg::Fetched(send_message(message).await) }
  • skip() isn't required, but we know that we don't modify Model at all so we can tell Seed that it doesn't have to rerender page - i.e. it can skip rendering. .skip() is just a simple performance optimization.
  • async functions/blocks are executed sometime in the future. That's why they often accept only owned values. In our case we need to clone model.new_message because it's possible that it will be mutated before our async block is executed and compiler doesn't allow this potentially harmful behavior.
  • async blocks are basically Futures.
  • Stable Rust supports only async blocks and functions. async closures aren't supported yet.
  • orders.perform_cmd expects a Future as the argument. Then it executes the Future (by converting to Javascript Promise) and invokes app's update function with the Msg returned from the Future (if any).
  • send_message is an async function - it returns a Future so we have to use .await to "unwrap" its inner value to match the type defined in Msg::Fetched - fetch::Result<shared::SendMessageResponseBody>.
  • We can't make update async and just "await" the async operations because it would block the render loop and GUI would be frozen until the awaited Future/Promise is resolved.

async fn send_message(new_message: String) -> fetch::Result<shared::SendMessageResponseBody> {
    Request::new(get_request_url())  // Prepare the request to the selected URL.
        .method(Method::Post)   // POST (default is GET)
        .json(&shared::SendMessageRequestBody { text: new_message })?   // Serialize payload to JSON. Serialization can fail and return `FetchError`.
        .fetch()   // Send the request.
        .await?   // Wait for the response. Request can fail and return `FetchError`.
        .check_status()?  // Make sure the response status is 2xx. Otherwise return `FetchError`.
        .json()   // Deserialize JSON to the required type. Rust is clever enough to know that it should deserialize to the return value type wrapped in `Result` - `shared::SendMessageResponseBody`.
        .await  // Wait for deserialization. It can fail and return `FetchError`.

See comments in the code above. Note: ? means early return on error.

Example B

Let's look at the code from the previous chapter:

fn init(url: Url, orders: &mut impl Orders<Msg>) -> Model {
        .perform_cmd(async { 
                async { fetch("/auth_config.json").await?.check_status()?.json().await }.await


struct AuthConfig {
    domain: String,
    client_id: String,


enum Msg {

fn update(...) {
    match msg {
        Msg::HideMenu => {
        Msg::AuthConfigFetched(Ok(auth_config)) => model.auth_config = Some(auth_config),
        Msg::AuthConfigFetched(Err(fetch_error)) => error!("AuthConfig fetch failed!", fetch_error),

The structure is pretty similar to the previous Example A, so let's focus only on this part:

.perform_cmd(async { 
        async { fetch("/auth_config.json").await?.check_status()?.json().await }.await

fetch function has this type:

pub async fn fetch<'a>(request: impl Into<Request<'a>>) -> Result<Response>

It means fetch is basically a shortcut for Request::new(...).fetch() (see the previous example).

And impl Into<Request<'a>> allows us to pass different items as the argument. From for Request is currently implemented for:

impl<'a, T: Into<Cow<'a, str>>> From<T> for Request<'a> {
} // => it allows to pass `String`, `&str`, `Cow<str>`, etc.

impl<'a> From<Url> for Request<'a> {


I hope you learned something about fetch and async/.await.

Other links related to this topic:

We'll return back to Time Tracker app and we'll try to explore Slash GraphQL in the next chapter.