
Our GraphQL backend is ready, let's fire some requests from our Seed app!


I've found 3 GraphQL clients on before I've started writing this chapter:

  • artemis

    • It looks more like an interesting experiment than a serious library now, with features like cache, deduplication and schema downloading.
    • The latest version at the time of writing is 0.1.0-alpha.1 from Apr 26, 2020 ; All time downloads: 97.
  • cynic

    • It's also a pretty new project. Author draws inspiration from the Elm world and graphql-client (see below) and tries to write a less "magical" API - the library allows you to write own items that will be used in queries and validates them later against the given GraphQL scheme. Other libraries usually generate all the structures for you by themselves.
    • The latest version at the time of writing is 0.8.0 from Aug 16, 2020 ; All time downloads: 720.
  • graphql-client

    • It's the oldest and the most mature library.
    • Our GraphQL example is based on this lib.
    • The latest version at the time of writing is 0.9.0 from Mar 13, 2020 ; All time downloads: 47_092.

I like the cynic's approach because I was a little bit confused while I was writing that GraphQL example mentioned above (with graphql-client) because of many auto-generated items. Also I think cynic has the best documentation (although it isn't complete yet).

artemis's README contains a bold warning: THIS IS SUPER DUPER WORK IN PROGRESS! IT WILL PROBABLY NOT COMPILE WHEN YOU READ THIS! so I wouldn't recommend to use it now.

So let's choose cynic and write some code!

GraphQL schema

All libraries need scheme.graphql or schema.json to generate or validate Rust items for our queries.

I haven't found a way how to read/download a complete schema from Slash GraphQL and cynic also can't do it by itself. (I'll probably write some feedbacks to change it.)

So we have to use an external tool. The simplest one is probably get-graphql-schema or maybe graphql_client_cli would be also useful.

If you want to use get-graphql-schema, run these commands in the Time Tracker project root:

npm install -g get-graphql-schema # or: yarn add global get-graphql-schema
get-graphql-schema [YOUR_NOTED_GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT] > schema.graphql

Make sure the file /schema.graphql has been created. It should look like:

directive @id on FIELD_DEFINITION

directive @withSubscription on OBJECT | INTERFACE

directive @auth(query: AuthRule, add: AuthRule, update: AuthRule, delete: AuthRule) on OBJECT

directive @remote on OBJECT | INTERFACE

directive @hasInverse(field: String!) on FIELD_DEFINITION

directive @cascade on FIELD

directive @search(by: [DgraphIndex!]) on FIELD_DEFINITION

directive @dgraph(type: String, pred: String) on OBJECT | INTERFACE | FIELD_DEFINITION

directive @secret(field: String!, pred: String) on OBJECT | INTERFACE

directive @custom(http: CustomHTTP, dql: String) on FIELD_DEFINITION

input AddClientInput {
  id: String!
  name: String!
  projects: [ProjectRef!]!
  time_blocks: [TimeBlockRef!]!
  user: String!

type AddClientPayload {
  client(filter: ClientFilter, order: ClientOrder, first: Int, offset: Int): [Client]
  numUids: Int

input AddInvoiceInput {
  id: String!
  custom_id: String
  url: String
  time_block: TimeBlockRef!

type AddInvoicePayload {
  invoice(filter: InvoiceFilter, order: InvoiceOrder, first: Int, offset: Int): [Invoice]
  numUids: Int

input AddProjectInput {
  id: String!
  name: String!
  time_entries: [TimeEntryRef!]!
  client: ClientRef!

type AddProjectPayload {
  project(filter: ProjectFilter, order: ProjectOrder, first: Int, offset: Int): [Project]
  numUids: Int

input AddTimeBlockInput {
  id: String!
  name: String!
  status: TimeBlockStatus!
  duration: Int!
  invoice: InvoiceRef
  client: ClientRef!

type AddTimeBlockPayload {
  timeBlock(filter: TimeBlockFilter, order: TimeBlockOrder, first: Int, offset: Int): [TimeBlock]
  numUids: Int

input AddTimeEntryInput {
  id: String!
  name: String!
  started: DateTime!
  stopped: DateTime
  project: ProjectRef!

type AddTimeEntryPayload {
  timeEntry(filter: TimeEntryFilter, order: TimeEntryOrder, first: Int, offset: Int): [TimeEntry]
  numUids: Int

input AuthRule {
  and: [AuthRule]
  or: [AuthRule]
  not: AuthRule
  rule: String

type Client {
  id: String!
  name: String!
  projects(filter: ProjectFilter, order: ProjectOrder, first: Int, offset: Int): [Project!]!
  time_blocks(filter: TimeBlockFilter, order: TimeBlockOrder, first: Int, offset: Int): [TimeBlock!]!
  user: String!

input ClientFilter {
  id: StringHashFilter
  and: ClientFilter
  or: ClientFilter
  not: ClientFilter

input ClientOrder {
  asc: ClientOrderable
  desc: ClientOrderable
  then: ClientOrder

enum ClientOrderable {

input ClientPatch {
  name: String
  projects: [ProjectRef!]
  time_blocks: [TimeBlockRef!]
  user: String

input ClientRef {
  id: String
  name: String
  projects: [ProjectRef!]
  time_blocks: [TimeBlockRef!]
  user: String

input CustomHTTP {
  url: String!
  method: HTTPMethod!
  body: String
  graphql: String
  mode: Mode
  forwardHeaders: [String!]
  secretHeaders: [String!]
  introspectionHeaders: [String!]
  skipIntrospection: Boolean

scalar DateTime

input DateTimeFilter {
  eq: DateTime
  le: DateTime
  lt: DateTime
  ge: DateTime
  gt: DateTime

type DeleteClientPayload {
  client(filter: ClientFilter, order: ClientOrder, first: Int, offset: Int): [Client]
  msg: String
  numUids: Int

type DeleteInvoicePayload {
  invoice(filter: InvoiceFilter, order: InvoiceOrder, first: Int, offset: Int): [Invoice]
  msg: String
  numUids: Int

type DeleteProjectPayload {
  project(filter: ProjectFilter, order: ProjectOrder, first: Int, offset: Int): [Project]
  msg: String
  numUids: Int

type DeleteTimeBlockPayload {
  timeBlock(filter: TimeBlockFilter, order: TimeBlockOrder, first: Int, offset: Int): [TimeBlock]
  msg: String
  numUids: Int

type DeleteTimeEntryPayload {
  timeEntry(filter: TimeEntryFilter, order: TimeEntryOrder, first: Int, offset: Int): [TimeEntry]
  msg: String
  numUids: Int

enum DgraphIndex {

input FloatFilter {
  eq: Float
  le: Float
  lt: Float
  ge: Float
  gt: Float

enum HTTPMethod {

input IntFilter {
  eq: Int
  le: Int
  lt: Int
  ge: Int
  gt: Int

type Invoice {
  id: String!
  custom_id: String
  url: String
  time_block(filter: TimeBlockFilter): TimeBlock!

input InvoiceFilter {
  id: StringHashFilter
  and: InvoiceFilter
  or: InvoiceFilter
  not: InvoiceFilter

input InvoiceOrder {
  asc: InvoiceOrderable
  desc: InvoiceOrderable
  then: InvoiceOrder

enum InvoiceOrderable {

input InvoicePatch {
  custom_id: String
  url: String
  time_block: TimeBlockRef

input InvoiceRef {
  id: String
  custom_id: String
  url: String
  time_block: TimeBlockRef

enum Mode {

type Mutation {
  addClient(input: [AddClientInput!]!): AddClientPayload
  updateClient(input: UpdateClientInput!): UpdateClientPayload
  deleteClient(filter: ClientFilter!): DeleteClientPayload
  addProject(input: [AddProjectInput!]!): AddProjectPayload
  updateProject(input: UpdateProjectInput!): UpdateProjectPayload
  deleteProject(filter: ProjectFilter!): DeleteProjectPayload
  addTimeEntry(input: [AddTimeEntryInput!]!): AddTimeEntryPayload
  updateTimeEntry(input: UpdateTimeEntryInput!): UpdateTimeEntryPayload
  deleteTimeEntry(filter: TimeEntryFilter!): DeleteTimeEntryPayload
  addTimeBlock(input: [AddTimeBlockInput!]!): AddTimeBlockPayload
  updateTimeBlock(input: UpdateTimeBlockInput!): UpdateTimeBlockPayload
  deleteTimeBlock(filter: TimeBlockFilter!): DeleteTimeBlockPayload
  addInvoice(input: [AddInvoiceInput!]!): AddInvoicePayload
  updateInvoice(input: UpdateInvoiceInput!): UpdateInvoicePayload
  deleteInvoice(filter: InvoiceFilter!): DeleteInvoicePayload

type Project {
  id: String!
  name: String!
  time_entries(filter: TimeEntryFilter, order: TimeEntryOrder, first: Int, offset: Int): [TimeEntry!]!
  client(filter: ClientFilter): Client!

input ProjectFilter {
  id: StringHashFilter
  and: ProjectFilter
  or: ProjectFilter
  not: ProjectFilter

input ProjectOrder {
  asc: ProjectOrderable
  desc: ProjectOrderable
  then: ProjectOrder

enum ProjectOrderable {

input ProjectPatch {
  name: String
  time_entries: [TimeEntryRef!]
  client: ClientRef

input ProjectRef {
  id: String
  name: String
  time_entries: [TimeEntryRef!]
  client: ClientRef

type Query {
  getClient(id: String!): Client
  queryClient(filter: ClientFilter, order: ClientOrder, first: Int, offset: Int): [Client]
  getProject(id: String!): Project
  queryProject(filter: ProjectFilter, order: ProjectOrder, first: Int, offset: Int): [Project]
  getTimeEntry(id: String!): TimeEntry
  queryTimeEntry(filter: TimeEntryFilter, order: TimeEntryOrder, first: Int, offset: Int): [TimeEntry]
  getTimeBlock(id: String!): TimeBlock
  queryTimeBlock(filter: TimeBlockFilter, order: TimeBlockOrder, first: Int, offset: Int): [TimeBlock]
  getInvoice(id: String!): Invoice
  queryInvoice(filter: InvoiceFilter, order: InvoiceOrder, first: Int, offset: Int): [Invoice]

input StringExactFilter {
  eq: String
  le: String
  lt: String
  ge: String
  gt: String

input StringFullTextFilter {
  alloftext: String
  anyoftext: String

input StringHashFilter {
  eq: String

input StringRegExpFilter {
  regexp: String

input StringTermFilter {
  allofterms: String
  anyofterms: String

type TimeBlock {
  id: String!
  name: String!
  status: TimeBlockStatus!
  duration: Int!
  invoice(filter: InvoiceFilter): Invoice
  client(filter: ClientFilter): Client!

input TimeBlockFilter {
  id: StringHashFilter
  and: TimeBlockFilter
  or: TimeBlockFilter
  not: TimeBlockFilter

input TimeBlockOrder {
  asc: TimeBlockOrderable
  desc: TimeBlockOrderable
  then: TimeBlockOrder

enum TimeBlockOrderable {

input TimeBlockPatch {
  name: String
  status: TimeBlockStatus
  duration: Int
  invoice: InvoiceRef
  client: ClientRef

input TimeBlockRef {
  id: String
  name: String
  status: TimeBlockStatus
  duration: Int
  invoice: InvoiceRef
  client: ClientRef

enum TimeBlockStatus {

type TimeEntry {
  id: String!
  name: String!
  started: DateTime!
  stopped: DateTime
  project(filter: ProjectFilter): Project!

input TimeEntryFilter {
  id: StringHashFilter
  and: TimeEntryFilter
  or: TimeEntryFilter
  not: TimeEntryFilter

input TimeEntryOrder {
  asc: TimeEntryOrderable
  desc: TimeEntryOrderable
  then: TimeEntryOrder

enum TimeEntryOrderable {

input TimeEntryPatch {
  name: String
  started: DateTime
  stopped: DateTime
  project: ProjectRef

input TimeEntryRef {
  id: String
  name: String
  started: DateTime
  stopped: DateTime
  project: ProjectRef

input UpdateClientInput {
  filter: ClientFilter!
  set: ClientPatch
  remove: ClientPatch

type UpdateClientPayload {
  client(filter: ClientFilter, order: ClientOrder, first: Int, offset: Int): [Client]
  numUids: Int

input UpdateInvoiceInput {
  filter: InvoiceFilter!
  set: InvoicePatch
  remove: InvoicePatch

type UpdateInvoicePayload {
  invoice(filter: InvoiceFilter, order: InvoiceOrder, first: Int, offset: Int): [Invoice]
  numUids: Int

input UpdateProjectInput {
  filter: ProjectFilter!
  set: ProjectPatch
  remove: ProjectPatch

type UpdateProjectPayload {
  project(filter: ProjectFilter, order: ProjectOrder, first: Int, offset: Int): [Project]
  numUids: Int

input UpdateTimeBlockInput {
  filter: TimeBlockFilter!
  set: TimeBlockPatch
  remove: TimeBlockPatch

type UpdateTimeBlockPayload {
  timeBlock(filter: TimeBlockFilter, order: TimeBlockOrder, first: Int, offset: Int): [TimeBlock]
  numUids: Int

input UpdateTimeEntryInput {
  filter: TimeEntryFilter!
  set: TimeEntryPatch
  remove: TimeEntryPatch

type UpdateTimeEntryPayload {
  timeEntry(filter: TimeEntryFilter, order: TimeEntryOrder, first: Int, offset: Int): [TimeEntry]
  numUids: Int

cynic integration

  1. Add required dependencies to Cargo.toml:

    serde-wasm-bindgen ...
    cynic = "0.11.0"
  2. Create a new empty file /src/ This module will contain our GraphQL queries.

  3. And include it as a new module in /src/

    mod page;
    mod graphql;

send_query & graphql::Result

The code below is everything we need to send GraphQL queries to our backend. Let's read it all and then we'll explain its parts.

Note: If the code snippet below looks a little bit too generic to you, you aren't alone - maybe we should wrap it into a new GraphQL Seed service. Please write your opinions in this issue.

use seed::{prelude::*};

use cynic;

pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, GraphQLError>;

pub async fn send_operation<'a, ResponseData: 'a>(
    operation: cynic::Operation<'a, ResponseData>
) -> Result<ResponseData> {
    let graphql_response = 
        // @TODO: Move url to a config file.

    let response_data = operation.decode_response(graphql_response)?;
    if let Some(errors) = response_data.errors {
    Ok("response data"))

// ------ Error ------

pub enum GraphQLError {

impl From<FetchError> for GraphQLError {
    fn from(fetch_error: FetchError) -> Self {

impl From<Vec<cynic::GraphQLError>> for GraphQLError {
    fn from(response_errors: Vec<cynic::GraphQLError>) -> Self {

impl From<cynic::DecodeError> for GraphQLError {
    fn from(decode_error: cynic::DecodeError) -> Self {
  1. Let's start with the type alias Result:

    pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, GraphQLError>;
    • It's basically an alternative to fetch::Result. However GraphQL request may fail because of some other reasons than a simple fetch request so we have to use different type for Err (GraphQLError instead of FetchError) - which means we need to introduce a new type alias.
  2. GraphQLError which is used in the Result alias:

    pub enum GraphQLError {
    • ResponseErrors means the GraphQL response's errors isn't an empty array. Note: Once we need to read data even if there are errors, we will need something like cynic::GraphQLResult.
    • DecodeError means the response is probably malformed and can't be deserialized to prepared Rust items.
  3. From implementations for GraphQLError:

    impl From<*> for GraphQLError {
        fn from(*: *) -> Self {
    • The only purpose is to allow to use early returns (like Err(error)? or .await?) in functions that returns graphql::Result<T> - e.g. send_query.
  4. And finally send_operation:

    pub async fn send_operation<'a, ResponseData: 'a>(
        operation: cynic::Operation<'a, ResponseData>
    ) -> Result<ResponseData>
    • It looks a bit scary but those generic parameters allow us to pass all future queries into the function this way:


      And you can read about cynic types on or

    • send_operation's body isn't very interesting - just one POST fetch request with basic error handling and some cynic-related calls that I've found in cynic's docs.


We will need 3 queries for our 3 main pages:

  1. For the page clients_and_projects:

        queryClient {
            projects {
  2. For the page time_tracker:

        queryClient {
            projects {
                time_entries {
  3. For the page time_blocks:

        queryClient {
            time_blocks {
                invoice {
            projects {
                time_entries {
    • Note: I haven't found a simple way to compute total tracked time on the backend (I assume I'm overlooking something in Slash GraphQL docs or they are working on it right now.) So we'll request all time entries and compute tracked time manually on the frontend.

GraphQL items

Let's do a magic trick. Go to, write your GraphQL endpoint url or paste your schema and then insert one of the queries above into the query builder window:

Cynic Generator

Notice especially the right panel "GENERATED RUST".

Unfortunately the generator isn't so clever (yet) to resolve name conflicts when your enter multiple queries and handle all valid inputs, however it's a very good start.

So when you play with the generator and all 3 queries and refactor a bit, you'll end up with something like:

// ------ ------
// GraphQL items
// ------ ------

pub mod queries {
        schema_path = "schema.graphql",
        query_module = "query_dsl",
    pub mod clients_with_projects {
        use crate::graphql::query_dsl;

        ///    queryClient {
        ///        id
        ///        name
        ///        projects {
        ///            id
        ///            name
        ///        }
        ///    }
        #[derive(cynic::QueryFragment, Debug)]
        #[cynic(graphql_type = "Query")]
        pub struct Query {
            pub query_client: Option<Vec<Option<Client>>>,

        #[derive(cynic::QueryFragment, Debug)]
        #[cynic(graphql_type = "Client")]
        pub struct Client {
            pub id: String,
            pub name: String,
            pub projects: Vec<Project>,

        #[derive(cynic::QueryFragment, Debug)]
        #[cynic(graphql_type = "Project")]
        pub struct Project {
            pub id: String,
            pub name: String,

        schema_path = "schema.graphql",
        query_module = "query_dsl",
    pub mod clients_with_projects_with_time_entries {
        use crate::graphql::{query_dsl, types::*};

        ///    queryClient {
        ///        id
        ///        name
        ///        projects {
        ///            id
        ///            name
        ///            time_entries {
        ///                id
        ///                name
        ///                started
        ///                stopped
        ///            }
        ///        }
        ///    }
        #[derive(cynic::QueryFragment, Debug)]
        #[cynic(graphql_type = "Query")]
        pub struct Query {
            pub query_client: Option<Vec<Option<Client>>>,

        #[derive(cynic::QueryFragment, Debug)]
        #[cynic(graphql_type = "Client")]
        pub struct Client {
            pub id: String,
            pub name: String,
            pub projects: Vec<Project>,

        #[derive(cynic::QueryFragment, Debug)]
        #[cynic(graphql_type = "Project")]
        pub struct Project {
            pub id: String,
            pub name: String,
            pub time_entries: Vec<TimeEntry>,

        #[derive(cynic::QueryFragment, Debug)]
        #[cynic(graphql_type = "TimeEntry")]
        pub struct TimeEntry {
            pub id: String,
            pub name: String,
            pub started: DateTime,
            pub stopped: Option<DateTime>,

        schema_path = "schema.graphql",
        query_module = "query_dsl",
    pub mod clients_with_time_blocks_and_time_entries {
        use crate::graphql::{query_dsl, types::*};

        ///    queryClient {
        ///        id
        ///        name
        ///        time_blocks {
        ///            id
        ///            name
        ///            status
        ///            duration
        ///            invoice {
        ///                id
        ///                custom_id
        ///                url
        ///            }
        ///        }
        ///        projects {
        ///            time_entries {
        ///                started
        ///                stopped
        ///            }
        ///        }
        ///    }
        #[derive(cynic::QueryFragment, Debug)]
        #[cynic(graphql_type = "Query")]
        pub struct Query {
            pub query_client: Option<Vec<Option<Client>>>,

        #[derive(cynic::QueryFragment, Debug)]
        #[cynic(graphql_type = "Client")]
        pub struct Client {
            pub id: String,
            pub name: String,
            pub time_blocks: Vec<TimeBlock>,
            pub projects: Vec<Project>,

        #[derive(cynic::QueryFragment, Debug)]
        #[cynic(graphql_type = "TimeBlock")]
        pub struct TimeBlock {
            pub id: String,
            pub name: String,
            pub status: TimeBlockStatus,
            pub duration: i32,
            pub invoice: Option<Invoice>,

        #[derive(cynic::Enum, Debug, Copy, Clone)]
        #[cynic(graphql_type = "TimeBlockStatus", rename_all = "SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE")]
        pub enum TimeBlockStatus {

        #[derive(cynic::QueryFragment, Debug)]
        #[cynic(graphql_type = "Invoice")]
        pub struct Invoice {
            pub id: String,
            pub custom_id: Option<String>,
            pub url: Option<String>,

        #[derive(cynic::QueryFragment, Debug)]
        #[cynic(graphql_type = "Project")]
        pub struct Project {
            pub time_entries: Vec<TimeEntry>,

        #[derive(cynic::QueryFragment, Debug)]
        #[cynic(graphql_type = "TimeEntry")]
        pub struct TimeEntry {
            pub started: DateTime,
            pub stopped: Option<DateTime>,

mod types {
    #[derive(cynic::Scalar, Debug)]
    pub struct DateTime(pub String);

mod query_dsl {
    use super::types::*;

Note: The hardest part is (as always) naming... do you have an idea for better module names?

Append the code above to your file.

All those structs and enums are verified against the schema during compilation. And you can use them directly in your business code if you want, which is nice. There are also other ways how to define queries in cynic - consult its docs for more info.

We are ready to send GraphQL requests, however we can't transform their responses to match our Model types yet. Let's fix it in the next chapter and finally send them!