Dark mode

GraphQL Mappers

Let's integrate prepared GraphQL helpers and queries from the previous chapter to our pages.

We can start with the simplest page - src/page/clients_and_projects.rs.

Page clients_and_projects

  1. Import required items:

    use ulid::Ulid;
    use cynic::QueryBuilder; // <-- New
    use std::collections::BTreeMap;
    use std::convert::identity;  // <-- New
    use crate::graphql;  // <-- New
    type ClientId = Ulid;
    • We'll need trait cynic::QueryBuilder to call the build function in send_operation(MyQuery::build(()).
    • std::convert::identity is basically a named closure|x| x, however I recommend to read the docs to know the differences and where it's useful.
  2. Change FetchError to GraphQLError in errors:

    pub struct Model {
        errors: Vec<graphql::GraphQLError>,
  3. Change fetch::Result to graphql::Result in Msg::ClientsFetched. And we want to log clients and update Model on fetch:

    pub enum Msg {
        ClientsFetched(graphql::Result<BTreeMap<ClientId, Client>>),
    pub fn update ... {
        match msg {
            Msg::ClientsFetched(Ok(clients)) => {
                log!("Msg::ClientsFetched", clients);
                model.clients = RemoteData::Loaded(clients);
            Msg::ClientsFetched(Err(graphql_error)) => {
  4. And we have to derive Debug for some items because of our new log! call:

    pub struct Client { 
    struct Project {
  5. Send GraphQL query on init and set client state to Loading:

    pub fn init(url: Url, orders: &mut impl Orders<Msg>) -> Model {
        orders.perform_cmd(async { Msg::ClientsFetched(request_clients().await) });
        Model {
            clients: RemoteData::Loading,
  6. And the last and most important thing just below the init function - request_clients:

    async fn request_clients() -> graphql::Result<BTreeMap<ClientId, Client>> {
        use graphql::queries::clients_with_projects as query_mod;
        let project_mapper = |project: query_mod::Project| (
            project.id.parse().expect("parse project Ulid"), 
            Project { name: project.name }
        let client_mapper = |client: query_mod::Client| (
            client.id.parse().expect("parse client Ulid"),
            Client {
                name: client.name,
                projects: client.projects.into_iter().map(project_mapper).collect()
                .expect("get clients")
    • The purpose of this function is to send a GraphQL request and then return response data to fill our Model later. However there is a problem - we can't just move the response data directly to our Model because they have different types. So we have to transform response data to Model data by *_mapper closures.

      • If you have tendency to delete mappers and use response data directly to remove some boilerplate, please fight the urge. It would mix two different application parts - business core and IO - and it usually doesn't end well. I recommend to read about hexagonal architecture.
    • query_mod::Query::build(()) creates an Operation with no Arguments (represented by unit ()).

    • We need to call .expect("get clients") because query_client is Option. And it's Option because Slash GraphQL generated the function queryClient with optional array of Clients and then cynic forced us to respect that because of the schema.graphql.

    • We need to call filter_map(identity) to remove potential None values from query_client list. It's also caused by the generated queryClient function type.

    • We've written mappers as closures inside request_clients() body to not pollute the file by functions that are used only in once place. Also it plays nicely with our alias use graphql::queries::clients_with_projects as query_mod. We can always refactor it to make mappers reusable and to respect the rule "children below the parent".

Page time_tracker

It's very similar to the previous page.

  1. Import required items:

    use ulid::Ulid;
    use cynic::QueryBuilder; // <-- New
    use std::collections::BTreeMap;
    use std::convert::identity;  // <-- New
    use crate::graphql;  // <-- New
    type ClientId = Ulid;
  2. Change FetchError to GraphQLError in errors:

    pub struct Model {
        errors: Vec<graphql::GraphQLError>,
  3. Change fetch::Result to graphql::Result in Msg::ClientsFetched. And we want to log clients and update Model on fetch:

    pub enum Msg {
        ClientsFetched(graphql::Result<BTreeMap<ClientId, Client>>),
    pub fn update ... {
        match msg {
            Msg::ClientsFetched(Ok(clients)) => {
                log!("Msg::ClientsFetched", clients);
                model.clients = RemoteData::Loaded(clients);
            Msg::ClientsFetched(Err(graphql_error)) => {
  4. And we have to derive Debug for some items because of our new log! call:

    pub struct Client { 
    struct Project {
    struct TimeEntry {
  5. Send GraphQL query on init and set client state to Loading:

    pub fn init(url: Url, orders: &mut impl Orders<Msg>) -> Model {
        orders.perform_cmd(async { Msg::ClientsFetched(request_clients().await) });
        Model {
            clients: RemoteData::Loading,
  6. And the last and most important thing just below the init function - request_clients:

    async fn request_clients() -> graphql::Result<BTreeMap<ClientId, Client>> {
        use graphql::queries::clients_with_projects_with_time_entries as query_mod;
        let time_entry_mapper = |time_entry: query_mod::TimeEntry| (
            time_entry.id.parse().expect("parse time_entry Ulid"),
            TimeEntry {
                name: time_entry.name,
                started: time_entry.started.0.parse().expect("parse time_entry started time"),
                stopped: time_entry.stopped.map(|time| time.0.parse().expect("parse time_entry started time")),
        let project_mapper = |project: query_mod::Project| (
            project.id.parse().expect("parse project Ulid"), 
            Project { 
                name: project.name, 
                time_entries: project.time_entries.into_iter().map(time_entry_mapper).collect()
        let client_mapper = |client: query_mod::Client| (
            client.id.parse().expect("parse client Ulid"),
            Client {
                name: client.name,
                projects: client.projects.into_iter().map(project_mapper).collect()
                .expect("get clients")

Page time_blocks

  1. Import required items:

    use ulid::Ulid;
    use cynic::QueryBuilder; // <-- New
    use std::collections::BTreeMap;
    use std::convert::identity;  // <-- New
    use std::ops::Add; // <-- New
    use crate::graphql;  // <-- New
    type ClientId = Ulid;
    • When we import the trait std::ops::Add, it allows us to pass the function MyType::add instead of a closure |x| x + x to a function that expects a function as an argument. It'll make our code more readable and declarative.
  2. Change FetchError to GraphQLError in errors:

    pub struct Model {
        errors: Vec<graphql::GraphQLError>,
  3. Change fetch::Result to graphql::Result in Msg::ClientsFetched. And we want to log clients and update Model on fetch:

    pub enum Msg {
        ClientsFetched(graphql::Result<BTreeMap<ClientId, Client>>),
    pub fn update ... {
        match msg {
            Msg::ClientsFetched(Ok(clients)) => {
                log!("Msg::ClientsFetched", clients);
                model.clients = RemoteData::Loaded(clients);
            Msg::ClientsFetched(Err(graphql_error)) => {
  4. And we have to derive Debug for some items because of our new log! call:

    pub struct Client { 
    struct TimeBlock {
    pub enum TimeBlockStatus {
    struct Invoice {
  5. Send GraphQL query on init and set client state to Loading:

    pub fn init(url: Url, orders: &mut impl Orders<Msg>) -> Model {
        orders.perform_cmd(async { Msg::ClientsFetched(request_clients().await) });
        Model {
            clients: RemoteData::Loading,
  6. And the last and most important thing just below the init function - request_clients:

    async fn request_clients() -> graphql::Result<BTreeMap<ClientId, Client>> {
        use graphql::queries::clients_with_time_blocks_and_time_entries as query_mod;
        let invoice_mapper = |invoice: query_mod::Invoice| {
            Invoice {
                id: invoice.id.parse().expect("parse invoice Ulid"),
                custom_id: invoice.custom_id,
                url: invoice.url,
        let status_mapper = |status: query_mod::TimeBlockStatus| {
            match status {
                query_mod::TimeBlockStatus::NonBillable => TimeBlockStatus::NonBillable,
                query_mod::TimeBlockStatus::Unpaid => TimeBlockStatus::Unpaid,
                query_mod::TimeBlockStatus::Paid => TimeBlockStatus::Paid,
        let time_block_mapper = |time_block: query_mod::TimeBlock| (
            time_block.id.parse().expect("parse time_block Ulid"), 
            TimeBlock { 
                name: time_block.name,
                status: status_mapper(time_block.status),
                duration: Duration::seconds(i64::from(time_block.duration)),
                invoice: time_block.invoice.map(invoice_mapper),
        let compute_tracked_time = |projects: Vec<query_mod::Project>| {
                .flat_map(|project| project.time_entries)
                .map(|time_entry| {
                    let started: DateTime<Local> = 
                        time_entry.started.0.parse().expect("parse time_entry started");
                    let stopped: DateTime<Local> = if let Some(stopped) = time_entry.stopped {
                        stopped.0.parse().expect("parse time_entry stopped")
                    } else {
                    stopped - started
                .fold(Duration::seconds(0), Duration::add)
        let client_mapper = |client: query_mod::Client| (
            client.id.parse().expect("parse client Ulid"),
            Client {
                name: client.name,
                time_blocks: client.time_blocks.into_iter().map(time_block_mapper).collect(),
                tracked: compute_tracked_time(client.projects),
                .expect("get clients")
    • There are some useful Iterator methods in the closure compute_tracked_time. I recommend to read their docs if you are not an experienced functional programmer:

Let's finally test how our app sends and decodes queries:

Time Tracker GraphQL queries

Nice! We can start to write view functions in the next chapter.